

I still can't believe I've lost you forever

It only seemed like yesterday dad and I just got you brand new and ready to go at the dealership

I feel so bad I couldn't save you because of monetary reason 

If it wasn't for that I would definitely fix you up no matter how other people would look at me 

I feel so guilty because I've lied to you that you are going to a better place

Even though I know you are going to be dismantled and sold in pieces or simply just get crushed 


Time really flies

Fifteen years weren't short

That's how long you've been with me 

How could I dry my tears and let go of you in a day or a week 

I wish I could hold on to you longer 


You were not just a transportation 

You were my friend, my family 

For fifteen years 

You were the one listened to me cry my eyes out

You were the one listened to me sing from the top of my lungs

You were the one watched me fall hard and flat

You were the one watched me hit the wall of my life 

You were my little secret space where I can explode with emotions


For fifteen years

You were the one I depended on 

You were the one got me everywhere I needed to be

You were the one always be by my side 

You never complainted 

You never left me on the curb feeling hopeless 

You never required any expensive repair and maintenance

You really did your best job to serve me 


Even at the end of your life 

When you were struggling 

You still brought me home safe and sound 

Then you finally decided to give in 

It was like you knew you fulfilled your one last job and it was finally ok to rest 


But I'm still not ready to let you go

Watching you being towed 

Saying goodbye at the scrap yard 

It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do 

It wasn't just because you were gone 

I was also letting go fifteen years of my life with you


Thank you for working non-stop 

Thank you for giving me fifteen years of your life

Thank you for being my first car 

Even though the journey was full of ups and downs 


You will never be forgotten

You will always have a little corner in my heart

I'll miss the time I had with you 

I'll try to stop crying and move on 

But it just seems so hard to do

Just by thinking that you are no longer in that parking space where you have your beauty sleep tears me up again


It's not up to me 

But it is time

You have to leave me now

And I have to say goodbye


so here it is








P.S. On a lighter note, thank goodness I don't have a pet. 








    創作者 babybearandmrcat 的頭像


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